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Most frequent questions and answers

Posting a Classified Ad on Fanagmart.co.th is easy and hassle free. To get started, follow these simple instructions.

1. Click on the Register Button in the top right corner of the site, or click here

If you are not registered with us, you will need to register before you can post your ad. Choose a username, enter your email, set a password and click submit.

If you already have an account with us, skip to step 3

2. You will receive a confirmation email in your email inbox.

Confirm by clicking the link in the email and then login in to FarangMart.co.th

3. Click on Post an Ad and select the category you want your ad to be posted to.

*Please note that listings in the Real Estate, Businesses for Sale, Automotive and Boats categories are subject to a charge.

4. Fill out the listing ad form with as much detail as you can.

More details means potential buyers can make a better decision when deciding whether or not your listing is right for them.

5. Upload up to 5 images of no more than 5MB each.

(Image sizes below 2MB(2,000kb) is best for web browsing. Then chose your featured options and click submit

6. You will now be given the chance to review the details of your advert and your featuring options before you commit to purchase.

Please read the rules and guidelines thoroughly before proceeding to ensure you fully understand our terms of service to help avoid interruption to your service. By clicking continue, you are agreeing to these terms.

If you have a coupon code, you can enter it here.

Read our terms of service and our privacy policy here.

7. Choose your Payment Method.

Currently you can choose to pay via Bank Transfer to our Bank Account, or via PayPal. VAT is calculated at 7%.

If you choose Bank Transfer, you will be shown the details of our Bank Account in order to make the transfer of funds. When transferring funds to our account, Please specify your email address so that we can identify your payment. We also request that a copy of the transfer or paying in slip be emailed over to webmaster@farangmart.co.th for added verification.

8. View your dashboard to manage your user profile and classified ads

In your dashboard you can see all of your classified adverts listed on Farang Mart.

  • Via the User Dashboard, you can;
  • View and edit your personal profile
  • Gather data on views of your listings
  • Mark your listings as sold or pause your adverts.
  • Add new classified adverts

We hope this article was helpful for you, please contact us if you need any further assistance.

Never scan a copy of your bank cheque and send to a seller

Posting is easy. Simply “Log In” and follow the Submit your Listing instructions Posting an Ad is totally free, and there are no fees or charges if you sell your item on Farang Mart. The site is completely free to Private sellers.

To include images – photos in your Ad:

1. On the Post Ad or Edit Ad page you should see a button with “Add Image” label (right below the zip/postal code).

2. Click the “Add Image” button.

3. Select a picture file from your computer’s hard disk and click “OK”. The picture will then be uploaded and attached to your Ad.

You can add up to 5 pictures per advert. If you have problems uploading pictures* Reduce the size of the pictures to be less than 4MB, for example dimension 800×600 works well when uploading images

You can use PayPal to purchase paid features on FarangMart: Paying by PayPal allows you to pay directly with money from your bank account or credit card.

PayPal uses the best commercially-available encryption technology to ensure that your financial information is never shared.

Note: to make a payment via your bank account you must first be registered with PayPal to do this go to PayPal and click the “Sign Up” link at the top of the page.

Searching for a specific item in a province city or town.

Example how to search for a bar for sale in Pattaya.

1st click on category. Go to businesses for sale and then to the sub category. Bars for Sale.

When that page appears you will see on the right hand side just above the sponsored ads a

“Refine search” button.

Enter here either the post code e.g.( 20150) or the province (Pattaya/Chon Buri) and all bars for sale in Pattaya will be displayed.

This works on all categories. Just follow these steps to refine your search.

Often Ads appear online within 4 hours. However sometimes Ads can take up to 24 hours to be published. If your ad has not appeared after this time please contact us.